Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Sweetest Little Things...

I toppled onto Hot Rodz Café in Terrell, Texas, where they served up one of the most iconic of American traditions…pie, only moon shaped and petite and oh so cute and oh so marvelous! So, the idea of packaged little pies typically found in fast food restaurants always sent me into a frizzled frenzy….eeeww fried, greasy pies! Contrary to what appears that I don’t endow in good eating habits, I don’t eat fried foods but I was open to testing the relative merits of what is deep-fried. The glory of a fried pie resulted in a satisfied tummy and comforted soul. This place gave you the choice of peach, apple, cherry or chocolate fried pie; I opted for the apple one. If a baked turnover was delicate and refined, the FRIED one was outrageously, amazingly luscious. Served up warm, this pastry was puffy and crisp on the edges and sprinkled with powdered sugar, but tender and pillowy within. The filling of finely cut apples sautéed with cinnamon and butter no longer posed an eating hazard. In fact, I would have traded a clogged artery or two given the opportunity to eat more than one in the same sitting. The two mini scoops of Blue Bell vanilla ice cream on top was just enough to add more pleasure to the palate. If you just happen to be asking if these little hand pies would make a perfect breakfast pastry, well then, the answer would probably be a resounding YES! I could have these for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Aaah…it’s truly the little things that count!

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