Life As I know It

Nearly thirty posts and maybe a few pounds later, I thought I’d pause from eating cake and share a little something with you my fellow cake hoarders. While it appears I may be self destructive by the intake of all the sugar infused treats, I feel obligated to let you in on some inside information about me. While I absolutely love my cake, I will advise that one must make up for such elaborate consumptions by taking heed in some form of excercise and I’m not just talking about fork lifts…ha! Now, I’m no health guru; I hate to excercise, I’m notorious for sneaking out of kick boxing classes and I tend to get hurt when I run but I also don’t want to be the future poster child for a Diabetes society nor do I want to look like a contestant on the Biggest Loser. So, I feel it is my due diligence that I let you know, oh feeble internet, that on occasion, I visit the ladies’ gym and take the stairs when the elevators are slow. I walk a long haul to my parked car when parking spot number one has been taken. I chase child number two and the dog on occasion when they’ve misbehaved. I’m constantly working every inch of my being by cleaning, cooking, picking up dirty clothes and anything that might impede a tripping hazard for me. And so at the end of the day, I stand aimlessly exhausted and so this unsolicited unfairness only warrants my right to eat and indulge in cake. So, fair enough, I look forward to my cake ventures. I find simple joy in eating it. So please, take my advice and eat cake, lots of it please, but with a wee bit of caution. So true as true can be…we can have our cake and eat it too!