Sunday, February 20, 2011

Chunka Hunka Burnin' Love

So, on a savory quest to find cake, I stumbled upon the next best thing...a chocolate chunk pie! Oh, and what a fantabulous reprieve! This is just what I've been needing to help clear my cluttered mind. Every bite seemed to help me breathe deeper while every swallow helped me exhale all the worrisome thoughts.  So, it sounds a bit recognizant but ooooh, if only you knew my fellow cake enthusiasts the privies that this untamed and godforesaken groundless girl has held, you'd understand why I had eaten the huge slice of pie almost to its entirety.  Well deserved, I say...well deserved. Is it fair that this rich pie had everything to gain and nothing to lose?  This chunka hunka burnin' love of a traditional pecan pie revamped with endless seepage of caramel and coarse chocolate chunks all mantled perfectly into a delicious crust was the ultimate netherworld I tell ya.  If I compared myself to this pie, I'd say, yep, I'd have everything to gain and nothing to lose too,, maybe five pounds and my dignity.  Maybe?  Nah, dignity, chignity! Sometimes,  we just have to sloooow down and enjoy the sweeter things in life and what a novel idea of mine for today.  Life is fair.  Life is sweet.  Life is cake and pie and chocolate and all it implies AND everything else that causes the serotonins to go gaga and buck wild absent some enhanced narcotic. Life makes no reservation, so go out on a limb and visit the Pie Place & Bakery in Burleson, Texas if you want   a taste of an inhaling life-changing moment.