Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy 2011 Fellow Cake Enthusiasts!

Another year has come and gone.  For the impressionable, I will not negate that I was able to commit to some of 2010’s resolutions...really.  While I didn’t make a dent in the rosin, my poor violin is still shamelessly sitting in a dark corner but on the other hand, I did manage to read some classic novels and some juicy trilogies this year while I let those fab gawd-awful trashy mags collect dust and water rings throughout.  While my self-indulgent Wednesdays have become obselete, I did manage to have a quarter-life crisis while seeping out tantrums galore.  But this is a new year and in the name of social and economic prosperity and for the safety of mankind, here are my intentions for 2011, well kinda:

  1. Dulcify my life…a hard lesson has taught me that only I can make myself happy
  2. Continue to throw tantrums when I see fit but realize that sometimes pouting, stomping and saying four letter words doesn't work with everyone…will have to get more creative this year!
  3. Letting go of my feelings of guilt; this will put me in touch with my sociopath
  4. Get lost less...thanks to Tom Tom.
  5. Continue to disarm myself with that gym membership…walking and running is cheaper
  6. While amidst being at war with my vices, accept that I can’t change who I am and be content with my dual personality...especially when an alibi is needed. (Grin, sigh... explosive grin).
  7. Try to not wear so many "stretchy pants" out in public along with those eye soring Crocs…in socks.  If I do get caught in this faux fashion disgrace, accept the fact I may be nominated for the next contender on “What not to Wear”.  Hey, who wouldn’t want to shop in NY? Fancy Smanchy stretchy pants.
  8. Continue to hoard my cake guiltlessly
  9. Reinstate at least one reckless day as if I were celebrating my 50th birthday
  10. Nothing comes amiss, so I will stop trying to take leaps and bounds and instill baby steps instead.
So kids...enjoy your binge diets, your stiffening will to quit bad habits and your new, shiny gym memberships.  I will be fine in long as I am not in prison.


Lance said...

Loved the resolutions... Live them to your fullest.

Kara Hoag said...

I am always getting lost! Love the song bitter heart. Thanks for the introduction to it.

visions unto myself

Laura Ulum said...

Hi Kara! Looks like we have something in common :)